Elderly Care is Mature Care
A well tuned machine will last a long time. The Human body is no different: Paying attention with some gentle care and maintenance, it will serve us in return for a long time. To keep yourself healthy, happy, and safe over the age of 50, you need to undergo some simple medical tests on a routine basis. But before you go in for those tests, check your risk factors for disease by gathering your family medical history, review your lifestyle choices such as your eating habits, how active you are, whether you smoke and or your propensity to drink alcohol. Recommended examinations and screenings depend upon your age, family history, your lifestyle choices, and your overall health. Our Concierge Practice is geared to optimize your health.
Whatever your biologic age, we strive to support your lifestyle as if you are 20. A preventive health exam includes a physical exam including your height, weight and body mass index (BMI) measurement, routine blood tests, urine tests, stool test, an electrocardiogram (ECG), a chest X-ray. Additional executive testing panels and diagnostic tests are also available. A thorough once a every year assessment can help detect many ailments including anemia, infections, heart ailments, respiratory ailments, kidney problems, diabetes, and possible early and treatable cancers. You are encouraged to get routine checkups if you already have chronic illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, respiratory problems, kidney problems etc. Our affiliated multi-specialty practice is available if you are in need of such care.
Aging also affects your memory at any age. Nutrition and mental well being plays a big role. If we have learned anything from Earth's Blue zones its to live happy lives defined by having a purpose to living, in the company of a social network, staying physically active, and eating a well balanced diet. Depending on your individual health status, let us make an intervention that may last a lifetime and put you on the road to a life-long journey of health and happiness.
Points To Consider
- Weigh yourself: As you enter your 50’s and 60’s and you age further your muscle mass is being replaced by fat. The fat collects at genetically predisposed locations such as your waist. Your body’s metabolism is slowing down; you do not burn as many calories as before. Beware of weight gain at the wrong places. Check your diet plan and increase your physical activity with physician input.
- Blood pressure: High blood pressure or hypertension is a silent killer. Get your blood pressure checked every year. If you already have high blood pressure, get into routine monitoring and taking your medications on time without skipping a dose.
- Cholesterol and triglyceride levels in blood: High cholesterol and triglycerides can put you at a risk of heart attacks and stroke. Regular monitoring therefore is important. Lifestyle changes and medications can help you get back to your normal levels. New weight management drugs are now available which should be used under the supervision of a physician. Let us see if you would be a candidate for such an option.
- Blood sugar: The American Diabetes Association recommends that a fasting blood sugar test be done at least once every three years, so you can detect diabetes early and manage it. HgA1C is a better barometer for early risk for diabetes.
- Thyroid hormone test: Screening for thyroid problems is a must once every five years, especially for women. Supplementing thyroid hormones can help hypothyroidism.
- Vitamin deficiencies: It is important to clinically evaluate and supplement any deficiencies. Oral and IV Nutrient therapy are options for your specific needs.
- Bone density test: Women are prone to osteoporosis as they age. A bone density test is recommended for women over the age of 60.
- Eye tests: Macular degeneration and glaucoma begin to appear with age. You will need an eye check-up every one to two years after the age of 60. Screening of eyes can help mitigate vision problems.
- Hearing check: Around 30 percent of people have some hearing loss after the age of 60. You can get tested at least once in three years. The problem is treatable.
- Skin changes: Look out for unusual moles or unusual changes on your skin to detect early cancers and skin damage.
- Dental examination: Your teeth, gums, mouth, and throat need to be examined by a dentist regularly. Brushing after every meal and flossing helps keep up your dental health. Get prompt treatment if any dental problems arise. With the latest techniques such as permanent implants and dentures etc. you can still maintain that lovely smile.
- Cancer screening: Annual recommendations for screening for Breast, Cervical, Endometrial, Lung, Prostate, Colon, and others are generally done based on risk factors and age. Reviewing your risk with a physician is important for early detection and treatment.